VAX Series Mil-Aero Vaneaxial Blowers
Allied Motion’s VAX series offers small-frame, compact Vaneaxial Blowers designed for mil-aero applications and are offered in both AC and DC powered units.
Free air flow for these vaneaxial blowers ranges from 10 up to 167 CFM with a free aire current range of 0.1 – 2.7 A.
The VAX series vaneaxial blowers performance is summarized below.
Specifications Overview
Frame Size (mm)44, 51, 76
Overall Length (mm)38 - 98
Bus Voltage (VDC)12 - 50
Bus Voltage (VAC)115 - 208
Rated Speed (RPM)10,000 - 22,500
Rated Power (W)7 - 160
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